Friday, April 23, 2010

Men with scruffy, wrinkled faces 2

Men with scruffy, wrinkled faces

Girl with Pink Hair and Dragon Tattoo

Nicknames 2............

More of the same............


I was talking with some friends,and we were discussing how people got nicknames.I started to remember how my Dad would say that some of the guys when he was growing up got them for certain reasons.Like his one friend they called "lefty" because he threw a ball and wrote with his left hand. His cousin (or cuz as they would say) they called him "meatball" because when they were little, his mom would ask what he wanted for lunch and he would always say "meatballs". Some were obvious,some weren't.I just did some drawings and put nicknames to the people.I'm gonna try some not so obvious next time, to see what I can come up with......